密封膠750-2平面密封膠 認(rèn)準(zhǔn)武漢大唐龍昇
Personal Precautions:
VI. Accidental Release Measures:
Material is very viscous and will not pose a threat to run-off to sewers, streams, or other bodies of
Environmental Precautions:
Dike or contain spill and absorb with inert materials (sand, sawdust, absorbent sweeping compounds,
rags, etc).
Methods for Containment:
Using a scoop, place contaminated material into an approved chemical waste container.
Methods for Cleanup:
Other Information:
Persons should wear protective equipmentPersonal Precautions:
VI. Accidental Release Measures:
Material is very viscous and will not pose a threat to run-off to sewers, streams, or other bodies of
Environmental Precautions:
Dike or contain spill and absorb with inert materials (sand, sawdust, absorbent sweeping compounds,
rags, etc).
Methods for Containment:
Using a scoop, place contaminated material into an approved chemical waste container.
Methods for Cleanup:
Other Information:
Persons should wear protective equipment