903 Powerful Carbon Removal Agent 903 carbon Removal Agent is a best and strong solvent with high leakage ability, which mix other detergent and corrodent. It is used specially to clean the dirt, carbon, paint and adhesive matters accumulated in the diesel. Usage 903 Carbon Removal Agent can filtrate the dirt.solute the grease, oil. paint and the matter not completed fired. 903 Carbon Removal Agent has the purpose of cleaning machine parts and completed machinery, for example, it is effective in cleaning the grease, emulsified rubber and epoxy paint. Here we suggest two methods. A. baptism method 1. clean out the rubber enclosure, put the parts to be cleaned into the properly barrier, soak the surface with 903 Carbon Removal Agent. 2. soaking time, it must wait all the dirt and grease solute or loose(as usual for 4-8 hours). a.when the dirt and grease is seriously dried, it needs shaking the solution now and then. b.when the dirt and grease is carbonated, heat the solution Upto55C-60c(130˙F-40˙F) Note:903 Carbon Removal Agent is heavier than water. If put the agent in the vessel first, then odds water, the liquid is divided into two floors. Heating the agent to above 75℃ (165˙F) is forbidden. 3.take it out of the cleaning basin, and wash it so as to clean the dirt on the parts, then dry it with cloth or blow it with compressed air. B detergent way It is available to clean the heavy machinery at site. use the paint bruxh to brush the dirty parts. When brushing remember dipping the agent usually. After the cleaning, dry it with Attention When handlingweor eye-protector and plastic gloves. Avoid breathing the agent longer time. Immediately wash with water if contact the agent. If necessary send to hospital for further Packing 903 Carbon Removal Agent is always packed into 20KG small drum Storage keep far away from fire.