1. 投資少,能耗低。同等制冷率,一次性投資約為空調的六分之一,運行費用約為空調的十分之一;
2. 降溫強勁。夏季可降溫5-15℃以上,且氣溫越高,降溫幅度越大(室內可降至25-30℃);
3. 空氣清新、濕潤。空氣清潔度可達99%;
4. 降溫均衡。由于大面積水簾墻與低壓通風的作用,使氣場均布。
Shen hong yuan Six of the suction ventilators features:
一、 風扇葉片與多V皮帶輪組的平衡校正由技術人員負責。采用國外先進技術電腦平衡校正儀器,等級達4級水準(G6.3),符合ISO1940鋼性運轉體技術,達好品質要求。
1, fan blades and multi-V pulley group balance correction by professional technical staff. Use of advanced technology from abroad balance correction computer equipment, the standard grade of 4 (G6.3) and with the operation of the ISO1940 steel technologies to international quality requirements.
二、 本機所匹配的1HP馬達采用全鋁合金外殼,密封嚴、抽風效能好、耗電量少、每小時只須0.75度電力。
2. This machine-match 1HP All motors used aluminum alloy shell, Seal strict,Good ventilation efficiency, Less power consumption, Only 0.75 per hour of electricity.
三、 傳動皮帶采用PK多V皮帶,耐磨損,運轉時無傳統(tǒng)皮帶打滑及噪音的困擾。
3.more transmission belt use PK V belts, wear resistance, When running the not traditional belt slipping and noise nuisance.
四、 百葉窗的設計運用空氣順流原理,不需要使用電力及人員開關,美觀大方,且可以防雨水侵入。
4. Louver air downstream use of the design principles, Do not use electricity and personnel switch, handsome generous, and can prevent water intrusion.
五、 主體外框采用FRP材質,可減少金屬共鳴,且抗酸堿,防腐蝕,增加使用年限。(可連續(xù)使用10-20年)
5. FRP materials by the main frame, Metal resonance can be reduced ,And resistance
Acid-base,anti-corrosion, and increase life span. (Continuous use for 10-20 years).
Shen hong yuan the suction ventilators coolingPrinciple:
suction ventilators Is to use air convection cooling principle of negative pressure ventilation, by the location of the installation of the doors or windows - to the natural inhalation of fresh air, indoor hot gas rapidly, from the mandatory outdoor, Any adverse problems can be improved ventilation, Ventilation cooling effect of up to 90% -97%.