SG253雙窗觀視鏡 法蘭連接 球墨
Spirax Sarco double window sight glass , threaded connections, with different caliber offers bronze and brass products
Sight Glasses / check valve combination Sight Glasses
Spirax Sarco Sight glasses are available in different materials and connections, can be widely used in steam systems and other industrial fluid systems. The concept of an endoscopic Spirax Sarco steam trap fixedly mounted downstream , it can detect the trap is working properly. When the number of traps concentrate discharged into a closed condensate recovery system, sight glass can be easily used to test the operation of each trap .
In addition , the concept of endoscopic steam system can also provide information on other aspects of the case . For example , if the same concept as the body of the crystal precipitate was blurred , can determine the steam containing free oxygen and carbon dioxide , thereby causing condensation pipe corrosion , boiler feed water can determine organic matter precipitate.
Spirax Sarco Sight glasses are of two types , namely single -and dual- window-type windows . Double window type is " perspective " type , in large-caliber products as the standard type , you can use the backlight , easy to observe flow conditions .
評估流向正確 檢測流通停滯 確認蒸汽泄漏 通過顏色檢查有產(chǎn)品混入蒸汽管道