The WSDA® -Base is designed to operate as an integral part of a MicroStrain Wireless Sensing System high speed wireless sensor network. It provides seamless communication between a host PC, Single Board Computer or microcontroller and remote wireless nodes, including the SG-Link® -mXRS? and SG-Link® -OEM-S wireless strain nodes, G-Link® -mXRS? wireless accelerometer node, and DVRT-Link? -mXRS? wireless displacement node.
The WSDA® -Base provides USB connectivity in a small rugged form factor, and supports a wide range of programmable sampling modes. Multiple nodes can communicate over a single radio channel and data can be acquired simultaneously on varying schedules (sec, min, hrs), or in bursts (up to 100 KHz), supporting highly scalable wireless sensor networks.
With MicroStrain Node Commander® software, users can configure and initiate nodes through the Synchronized Sampling Wizard. The wizard allots each node a unique transmission time slot to prevent transmission collisions using embedded Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) protocols. The nodes\' data acquisition schedules are prioritized to insure synchronous sampling.